Friday, May 8, 2009

Chad Vader - Dayshift Manager

Hysterical indie video miniseries you just gotta see...

Chad Vader - Dayshift Manager

Stuff made of elephant Poo. No shit... or shit?

Dont steal my balls.

Shadow Chair

Amusing, tho I wonder how strong that base is.

Catchyoo - amazing interactive floors...

Catchyoo SWEEP FX from Nicolas Loeillot on Vimeo.

Pierced Eyeglasses

Just as the topic says:

Fun with soundz

Hobnox Audio Tool...

I cool little studio for making your own music, free online. Its built in Flash and has functions and look rivaling that of bigger names like Reason. Even if you arent into the studio bit, a quick playabout with ToneMatrix will give you a bit of pleasure.

ToneMatrix as a standalong gadget is here:

The whole studio is here:

The Hunt for Gollum

An independent group of fans of LOTR have release a surprisingly well done tale set in the realms of Middle Earth..

The Hunt for Gollum

Its a short film and well worth a watch. Its available in HD and free streamed over the net.


Welcome to my Blog....

Here you'll find all the little bits of interesting fluff I manage to scour up from the depths of the intarwebs... Sit back, grab a cuppa, and enjoy the ride.
